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Employment Law

Attorneys for Employment Serving Los Angeles, CA


Chang & Lee's Employment Law practice covers a wide spectrum of elements relating to your status as an employee in California. It is important that you understand that whatever your situation or circumstance may be, you have rights and protections under the laws of the state of California. If you are experiencing any hardship within your employment, you are not alone, the Law Office of Chang & Lee and their confidential and compassionate legal team are here to help you.

Our attorneys for employment can also help you navigate and figure out the next step in your career journey, while still making sure you are being defended for any past unfair employment.

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What Types Of Employment Claims Does Chang & Lee Law Firm focus on?

Wage & Hour Claims: While many employees are aware that the minimum wage is now $11.00 per hour in California, other’s are just recently discovering this information or were not contesting their wage so as to avoid conflict with their employers. Your quality of life is dependent, in many cases, on your wage. If your employer has 26 or more employees, they must now abide by the Wage laws of California and are required to meet the new minimum wage of $11.00 per hour which became effective on January 1st, 2018. In addition, depending on the county that you live in, in relation to the number of employees, you may even be entitled to a higher hourly rate of minimum wage. There are exceptions to these guidelines depending on your position and experience so, it is important that you speak to a California Employment Attorney to understand if you fall under these guidelines, and if so, what you can do for relief under the law.

Overtime & Meal/Rest Periods: Do you feel pressured into working overtime without being paid at an overtime rate? Have you worked longer hours without a lunch break? These are just some of the claims made for overtime, meals and rest periods during the hours of work. Under the laws of the state of California, an employer is required to pay you for your overtime whether they have authorized said overtime or not. The overtime rate in California is time and half of the regular pay rate for any number of hours the exceed an eight hour day, up to twelve hours. In addition, your employer is required to provide a minimum number of breaks depending on the total hours of work per day. In most cases, the break period is a minimum of 30 minutes, however, depending on the length of hours worked, you may be entitled to additional breaks. If you feel that you have exceeded overtime without proper pay or have not been receiving rest or time for meals, it’s important that you understand that you have rights. Speak to our office today to learn how we can help you.

Workplace Violence: California broke ground on a new law thanks to the California Association of Nurses and as of April 1st, 2018 it is now against the law for an employer not to include a plan for violence in the workplace. If you work in a healthcare environment that you fear, or one which you have already experienced elements of violence under the Workplace Prevention Healthcare rule, you are not alone. Violence in the workplace is not uncommon and there are options available to you under California law to find relief. Hospitals and Healthcare facilities often bare the brunt of violence in emergency rooms across the state of California, including angry or confused family or friends of patients and often employees of these facilities can be injured and even killed. It’s important to know your rights. Call Chang & Lee for help today.

Hostile Environment: We often work in environments where disagreements and miscommunication seem common and under these umbrellas, we brush off pervasive and abusive speech as part of our daily routine. Many of us consider these kinds of hostilities as simple conflicts that we hope pass or fade over time if we just keep our head down long enough. The fact of the matter is that these are some of the elements that may be covered under a Hostile Work Environment. If you have been subjected to continued verbal abuse, severe conditions, or intimidation, and are at the point where you have experienced these conditions continuously, you may be entitled to help. Is it your belief that you need to endure such conduct in order to keep your job? Understand that this conduct may be considered unlawful in the state of California.

Sexual Harassment: In the state of California Sexual Harassment is summarized as unwanted advances of a sexual nature. This harassment may be verbal or physical and even visually where an individual may leer or make unwanted and offensive gestures. There is a long list of offensive behaviour that falls under the state regulations for prohibited behavior that may be considered sexual harassment. At a minimum, this type of harassment is a form of sex discrimination and violates your Civil Rights as well as the Employment Act. If you have been the recipient of these kinds of unwanted advances and feel that your workplace has become intimidating, offensive or hostile, under the laws of California, you need help. Contact us today and learn how we may be able to help you.
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